Monday, March 22, 2010

Here is the picture that freaked me out

I was looking through some of our photos of our kids, and came across one of me that my partner had taken. My huge frame got in the way of a shot of our kids on some push bikes at the party.

When I saw this my heart just sank. How could I let myself go like this???? What sort of example am I setting for our children! I had lost my way.

Over the next few months things got worse, my company was really feeling the pinch of the recession so I was working longer hours to make ends meet, eating fast food and doing no physical activity trying to keep from sinking. And this was spilling over into my family life. I couldn't think straight, I was having anxiety attacks and having trouble breathing. I was not at all in touch with me and who I was, it was all about working and being a dad. Don't get me wrong... there is nothing wrong with learning to be a dad, but I had forgotten about me.

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