Thursday, April 22, 2010

3 weeks off!

Well that was a crappy 3 weeks! LOL.
Had the dreaded Man-Flu for a week and a half. It started with the hot and cold sweats, then the body aches. I couldn't do anything. I had at least 2 days in bed, but there isn't much you can do if you have to look after 2 kids under the age of 4, plus run a small business. But there was no way I could train as I would just get worse.

And once that was clearing up I got the worst pain in the world! Friggin tooth ache! I don't know of any pain that is worse than this. I thought it would go away, so I OD'd on pain killers for 3 days wishing that it would disappear, and nights were the worst, I couldn't lye down as it would just get worse, so I spent 2 nights with no sleep pacing the floors. Finally giving in and spending $300 at the dentist to remove the tooth of DOOM!

So back into it this week, YAY, and feeling good too. I have got more supplements this week to keep things ticking over.

PVL Whey Maxx
I take 2 x protein shakes throughout the day, 1 mid morning and 1 after I train. I find this brand is great value for money as it comes in a HUGE sack of 5kg. And the flavours are great. You really need this as a meal replacement for weight loss, and also to feed your muscles as they will be demanding a higher intake of protein to synthesise the muscles to grow.

Muscletech Hydroxycut 160 caps
I also brought a fat burner which I have used before - . These I am taking 6 a day, 2 in the morning before breakfast (and hopefully a cardio), 2 midday before lunch, and 2 in the evening before my workout.

I shop online at as they are the cheapest and have the fastest delivery and best service. With the protein alone, I save $70 than if I buy it over the counter in town. Worth a look people!!

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